Cheng Family

What are the chances your dear friends would move from Pittsburgh to Texas? In my case, it was a sweet gift from the Lord to get to have them here in Texas and even sweeter that I’ve gotten to be there to photograph the many milestones they have experienced in their life since arriving here. From finally expecting to the birth of their first child after many prayers together, to now their SECOND baby and documenting each season in between, it has been some of my favorite sessions. Erin and Kam have made the best parents in every way but the something super sweet that has stuck out is the way that they parent Gemma to be so present in the moment, noticing everything around her. They have taught her to notice the flowers in the fields, the earth around her and be content in that. In a world that is so overstimulating, they have given Gemma such a good gift and I’m sure they will do the same for their next bundle of joy.